Friday, December 24, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Snow (it was snowing when I woke up, but has stopped).

2. Health (I've had this annoying sinus drainage/cough for the last 2 weeks).

3. Family (half of my siblings were here last weekend and my brother will come in tomorrow or the next day).

4. Wood stove (I absolutely love the smell of a wood burning stove).

5. Sleepless nights (although I love my sleep, sometimes sleepless nights are good because it gives me time to just think).

Friday, December 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Water (nothing quenches your thirst quite like it).

2. Lotion (bought a $12 bottle at VS today for $2.16 cause I had a coupon :) Yeah, I'm good).

3. Finally getting that food I was craving :).

4. Dancing (it's fun, especially with the right people).

5. Heat (cause it's cold outside and even though I love the cold, I like to be warm more).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Hugs, they are definitely my favorite.

2. Last day of classes (now for finals).

3. Window Ice Scrapers (I had frost when I left for classes Wednesday, I parked in the garage after this).

4. Deadlines being met.

5. Prayer (which is in no way a small thing, but hey it's my blog I can put it if I want to so (sticks tongue out at haters)there).

Outside my window...

I am thinking...
I should be sleeping, but can't.

I am thankful for...
Tomorrow being the last day of classes.

I am wearing...
A t-shirt and panties.

I am remembering...
How much I love sleep.

I am going...
To write two yearbook stories and a paper before Sunday.

I am re-reading...
the Bible yo. Nah, nothing right now...don't have the time.

I am hoping and praying...
That my grades are at least passing this semester...if I'd have known about that class I wouldn't have taken it.

On my mind...
Ready for my check to get here so I can pay my bills.

Noticing that...
My throat is dry. Water please.

Pondering these words..
"For I know the plans I have for you..."

From the kitchen...
Nothing. I made boiled eggs earlier.

On the menu...
I don't even want to think about eating.

Around the house...
Dirty room that will be cleaned by next week.

I am creating...
Nothing right now.

I am hearing...
My fan and music.

One of my favorite things...

Some plans for the rest of the week...
Writing those stories and paper. Paying bills. Cleaning.