Friday, June 25, 2010

Grace In The Small Things...Friday

Grace In The Small Things-96

1. Shane & Shane (easily becoming my new favorite Christian artist...okay they already are).

2. Joy (let me just say, if you have never prayed for's a wonderful peace but better).

3. Nail Polish Remover.

4. Cool Summer Nights (I've been spending a lot of time outside at night down by the lake...talking to God).

5. Painting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life is just good right now. I don't's not like amazing things are happening everyday or anything like that...I am just joyful. It's wonderful to just feel joyful all the time, I can only thank God for this joy. He has truly given me this gift and I can't thank Him enough for it! I love having this joy! Even if I'm not particularly happy, I still have that joy inside of me! Anyway I just thought I would share that piece of information :).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Grace In The Small Things...Friday

I've decided to make Friday's "Grace In The Small Things Friday" since I have been negligent in doing it daily...mostly because I was out of internet usage for a week...and have been putting off getting on so I wouldn't have to try and catch 'ere goes...

Grace In The Small Things-95

1. Nair.

2. Fans.

3. Nail Files.

4. The smell of books.

5. Cell service.