Friday, August 27, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Midnight (the beginning of a new day).

2. Naps (I'm going to take one as soon as I'm done with this).

3. Teachers who trust you not to cheat.

4. Go phones (did you know you can just put your sim card into one of these babies if you need a new phone, it's like a brand new phone for a whole lot less).

5. Showers (which is next in line after the nap).

Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh CBC how I hate thee...

So school is back in session...and I'm thrilled yay(insert sarcastic enthusiasm here)! It's not that I don't enjoy being back here and having something to do and that it is getting me one step closer to starting my life, I just don't like CBC, it's not really the classes or the teachers or the students, it's just CBC. It's retarded. I started classes on Thursday and then they were cancelled on Friday. A planned cancelled day so they could train employees, hello, isn't that what summer is for? Yeah, thought so. Also I completely missed my first class because they don't have enough parking. They opened a new parking lot last year and it is closed this year so they can expand it. Not really sure what they did all summer besides replace carpet, change the game room into an admissions office and well I can't think of anything else they changed. But the real reason why I am hating so much on CBC today, is because I am done with classes. Notice it is almost 11 and I actually got out at 10:30. So, I'm done with classes for the day and should be on my merry way home, but am I? No. Why you ask? Well because they are having a mandatory student meeting, and while I would normally skip this meeting, they have decided to start charging $50 if you don't go. So I have no choice to go or to pay outta pocket, and I believe if I actually had the extra money laying around that I would most likely go ahead and skip the meeting. Have I mentioned that CBC is overcrowded? Cause they are. i digress.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Grace In The Small Things Friday

Grace In The Small Things Friday (I know it's Saturday...but you'll forgive me)

1. Painting (it takes my mind off of things and helps the time to pass).

2. Living in a 3 college town and going to Wal*Mart (it's quite the experience).

3. A constant feeling (while mine isn't the best right now, it still is a reminder that God knows what He is doing and that His will will be done in His timing).

4. Silence (while as of late I have hated it, I now enjoy it again).

5. Writing (and what I can only write about).

Friday, August 13, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Rest.

2. Being back for school.

3. Fans.

4. Tylenol.

5. Clean floors.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Grace In The Small Things Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Friends that remain your friend, no matter what.

2. Air Conditioning.

3. Writing Letters.

4. Music.

5. Poetry.