Saturday, May 29, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-94

Grace In The Small Things-94

1. Lakes.

2. Meeting new people...even when I don't want to.

3. Hairspray.

4. Poolside Movies.

5. Walking around a new town.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-93

Grace In The Small Things-93

1. Children's Imaginations.

2. Lotion...Nivea preferably.

3. Squeals of laughter.

4. Comfortable flip-flops.

5. Stubbornness.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-92

Grace In The Small Things-92

1. Watching someone bowl for the first time.

2. Good deals on new DVD's.

3. Trident Layers.

4. that place.

5. Fresh Laundry.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-91

Grace In The Small Things-91

1. Kisses from my nephew.

2. Popsicles.

3. Sunshine.

4. Air Conditioning.

5. HGTV.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-90

Grace In The Small Things-90

1. Distraction.

2. Showers in the morning.

3. Silence.

4. Chap-stick.

5. Rockers.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-89

Grace In The Small Things-89

1. Hearing my name being yelled by my niece, Karlee, as she runs into my arms.

2. Laughter that sounds like screaming from my nephew, Colby.

3. Awaking to the sound of Colby talking to Karlee.

4. Breakfast.

5. Power naps.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-88

Grace In The Small Things-88

1. Baseball.

2. Sunday afternoons.

3. Absence.

4. Cats (The Dyes cat, Rosco aka Perfect(by Sam and I) slept with me last night...he doesn't like people outside of the family normally, but he loves me).

5. Late nights.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-87

Grace In The Small Things-87

1. Waking up to a breeze blowing through the window.

2. Late night breakfast.

3. Walks.

4. Stubbornness.

5. Confusion.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-86

Grace In The Small Things-86

1. Organization.

2. S'mores.

3. Sunshine coming through windows.

4. Walmart.

5. Evading people for other people.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-85

Grace In The Small Things-85

1. The Blue Man Group.

2. Music.

3. Chocolate.

4. Vitamin E for hair.

5. Pantene ProV.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-84

Grace In The Small Things-84

1. Across The Universe Soundtrack (I have to admit that I like it better than the original Beatles sue me).

2. Sweet Tea.

3. Jack (one of the Dyes favorite).

4. Random dancing.

5. DVR.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-83

Grace In The Small Things-83

1. Morning chill.

2. Hanging with friends.

3. Quiet moments alone.

4. Journaling.

5. The sound of dripping water.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-80, 81 & 82

Grace In The Small Things-80

1. Headphones.

2. Semi-Writer's Block.

3. Sweats.

4. Ponytails.

5. Hair Straightener.

Grace In The Small Things-81

1. Perfume.

2. Church.

3. Rain.

4. Kittens.

5. Ceiling Fans.

Grace In The Small Things-82

1. Internet.

2. Pictures.

3. Memories.

4. Cellular Phones.

5. Theatre (went to see "Letters To Juliet" last night(tonight)and it was A-MAY-ZING!!! It has inspired me and Sam and Dani to plan out next Italy...we're going to start saving now and we plan to go in 4 years...but if we save up all the money before...CIAO!).

Friday, May 14, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-79

Grace In The Small Things-79

1. 5...count 'em...FIVE A's!

2. Procrastination that pays off.

3. SUMMER!!! (officially starts today...for me).

4. Technology (such as ultrasounds...because now I know that my sister is having another baby girl!!!).

5. Antique's my new favorite (God bless the BBC).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-78

Grace In The Small Things-78

1. Minimizing.

2. Not having to sit on a suitcase to get it to close.

3. Anticipation.

4. Hate of campaign ads.

5. Abrevia.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My heart feels heavy and I'm not sure why. It nerves me.

Grace In The Small Things-76 & 77

Grace In The Small Things-76

1. Sighing.

2. Finally getting to read a book.

3. Free time needed for packing...spent not packing.

4. Anticipation of seeing my best (girl) friend.

5. Weddings (Kayla's getting married on Saturday...on Saturday...on Saturday (I am singing this in my head...not sure to what tune...feel free to sing to your own tune)).

Grace In The Small Things-77

1. Solitaire (it has become my addiction).

2. iTunes free downloads.

3. Midol (can I say that? I normally don't need it...but on early mornings (like this one) it is helpful...can we say CAFFEINE).

4. Learning something new...everyday.

5. Amount of free space in my brain. Hmm...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-73, 74 & 75

Grace In The Small Things-73

1. Best Friends.

2. Card Games.

3. Picnics on a cold day.

4. Late Night storms.

5. Doing absolutely NOTHING.

Grace In The Small Things-74

1. Waking up to the sound of mom talking.

2. Laying awake at night listening to the silence.

3. Hearing your parents praying before bed.

4. Privacy...haven't had much since Thursday.

5. Chilly mornings.

Grace In The Small Things-75

1. Fans.

2. Lamps...perfect for late night reading.

3. Family.

4. Hair Dryers.

5. Aussie hair products.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-72

Grace In The Small Things-72

1. Early Mornings...not by choice.

2. Lucky Charms.

3. Sleepy Eyes.

4. Air Conditioning.

5. Ceiling Fans.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-71

Grace In The Small Things-71

1. Pandora.

2. Getting Up Early (when I don't have to).

3. Kool-AID.

4. Clean House.

5. Mowed Lawn.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-70

Grace In The Small Things-70

1. Alone time with Jesus.

2. Finding beauty while being broken.

3. Apples.

4. Crawling out of bed in just enough time to make it to my last final.

5. Worshiping God on my way to school.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-69

Grace In The Small Things-69

1. Studying paying off with a whopping 92%.

2. Sunny D.

3. Tylenol.

4. Bottled water.

5. Naps...:).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-68

Grace In The Small Things-68

1. Lady Antebellum.

2. 90 degree weather...:).

3. Studying.

4. Friends.

5. Busy work.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-67

Grace In The Small Things-67

1. Safety.

2. Lunch.

3. God's all forgiving grace.

4. Growling stomach.

5. Perfume.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Welcome MAY!!!

YAY! May is here! That means that April showers are over and the May flowers are here...not exactly. Today I went to a friends lingerie shower about an hour away from the end of the party one of the girls gets a text saying that a tornado was on it's way to where we were and would get there in about 30 minutes...Hannah and I left(I road with her) hoping to beat the tornado, we did 80 pretty much the entire way home, that is except when the rain was so hard we couldn't see...on our way home, we found out that we were headed straight into another tornado, we had 15 minutes to seek shelter before it hit Conway...We decided that we could make it past Conway in 12 minutes, and went for it...we made it...only to hear on the radio that another tornado was going to hit Greenbrier in another 15-20 minutes(where I live)...we made it home 10 minutes before the tornado was to touch down in Greenbrier...thankfully!...I guess my career as a storm chaser isn't going so well, considering that it was the storm chasing us, but thankfully we weren't harmed and no one we know was harmed (or that I've heard of yet) and we made it to the house before the tornado was supposed to ended up not touching down in Greenbrier, it did touch down in Conway though...We would have stopped and sought shelter, but there was no where to stop besides the side of the road, and I'd rather be safe at home than lying in a ditch hoping the tornado doesn't touch me...we did stop at a grocery store in the town the lingerie shower was in, but they had their doors I doubt we would have had much luck anyway...

Grace In The Small Things-66

Grace In The Small Things-66

1. Cold Fried Chicken.

2. Quiet Mornings.

3. Sleeping Late.

4. Sharpies.

5. C.D. Sleeves.