Friday, December 24, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Snow (it was snowing when I woke up, but has stopped).

2. Health (I've had this annoying sinus drainage/cough for the last 2 weeks).

3. Family (half of my siblings were here last weekend and my brother will come in tomorrow or the next day).

4. Wood stove (I absolutely love the smell of a wood burning stove).

5. Sleepless nights (although I love my sleep, sometimes sleepless nights are good because it gives me time to just think).

Friday, December 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Water (nothing quenches your thirst quite like it).

2. Lotion (bought a $12 bottle at VS today for $2.16 cause I had a coupon :) Yeah, I'm good).

3. Finally getting that food I was craving :).

4. Dancing (it's fun, especially with the right people).

5. Heat (cause it's cold outside and even though I love the cold, I like to be warm more).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Hugs, they are definitely my favorite.

2. Last day of classes (now for finals).

3. Window Ice Scrapers (I had frost when I left for classes Wednesday, I parked in the garage after this).

4. Deadlines being met.

5. Prayer (which is in no way a small thing, but hey it's my blog I can put it if I want to so (sticks tongue out at haters)there).

Outside my window...

I am thinking...
I should be sleeping, but can't.

I am thankful for...
Tomorrow being the last day of classes.

I am wearing...
A t-shirt and panties.

I am remembering...
How much I love sleep.

I am going...
To write two yearbook stories and a paper before Sunday.

I am re-reading...
the Bible yo. Nah, nothing right now...don't have the time.

I am hoping and praying...
That my grades are at least passing this semester...if I'd have known about that class I wouldn't have taken it.

On my mind...
Ready for my check to get here so I can pay my bills.

Noticing that...
My throat is dry. Water please.

Pondering these words..
"For I know the plans I have for you..."

From the kitchen...
Nothing. I made boiled eggs earlier.

On the menu...
I don't even want to think about eating.

Around the house...
Dirty room that will be cleaned by next week.

I am creating...
Nothing right now.

I am hearing...
My fan and music.

One of my favorite things...

Some plans for the rest of the week...
Writing those stories and paper. Paying bills. Cleaning.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Best Friends.

2. Heaters.

3. Sweaters.

4. Laughter.

5. Boots.

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Best Friends.

2. Heaters.

3. Sweaters.

4. Laughter.

5. Boots.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Test=Getting out of class early.

2. Best friends on their way to see me (a needed distraction).

3. A 15 page paper due in 1 week that I haven't started writing (research, yes...writing, no).

4. Cleaning.

5. Walmart bags (make the perfect trash bag for my mini trashcan).

Friday, October 29, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Antibiotics.

2. Water.

3. Sleep.

4. Quiet.

5. Toothbrushes.

Turns out...I have strep.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Sweats.

2. Sports bra's.

3. Nightgowns.

4. Coughdrops.

5. Dayquil.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I hate being sick...'s like I can never get enough sleep. I just took a nap, and I'm still exhausted and ready to sleep again.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I am now officially... aunt for the third time! His name is Isaiah Reid, and he is extremely beautiful! He is a fatty! He weighed 11 lbs and 5 oz and was 22.5 in long...pretty dang big! Did I say he was beautiful yet? Because he is...extremely handsome! He is dark skinned and has dark hair...and looks like my side of the family.

Monday, October 11, 2010

It looks like rain...

...I'll finally get to where my kick-A zebra print rain boots...oh yeah*.

*Only though, if I go somewhere today...which I'm thinking isn't happening. But I might put them on and go outside if it starts raining anyway. Cause I'm cool like that. Boo-Yah.

On another note...we are still waiting for my sister to have her third child...I don't know if it is going to be a girl or boy, I wish I knew so I could buy something for the baby. I am ready for the baby to get here. I can't wait. I am ready to meet the newest member of my family. Of course...Jess is the one who is the most ready to meet the baby.

I'm ready for this month to be over with...heck I'm ready for this semester to be over with. I feel as if I have tons of work to do for school, but can't really do any of it right now...and I know that when I can do it, it will all come at the same time and I will be bombarded with tons of school work to do...sigh. Oh the joy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday...on a Saturday

1. Skittles (I know I said that a couple of these back, but come's skittles...taste the frickin rainbow and get over it).

2. Salty French Fries (My craving of the week).

3. Piggy Banks!

4. Warm Weather in Fall (only because my heater is broken).

5. Getting all my laundry put away.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Midway switch-up

The semester is half way over. Seats have been claimed and you sit where you have been sitting all semester. Right? Well apparently some people aren't Baptist and don't know that once sat in, that seat is yours for the rest of the year. I say that because, in my first class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Computer Applications, I have been sitting at the same computer every day of class. I show up to class Tuesday and this guy is at MY computer, can you believe that?, and so I am forced to sit in his old spot. *UGH, the audacity of this obnoxious person, but maybe someone was on his computer when he got to class I think, because it has happened to me, but I normally just wait until it's free. So I wait. Maybe he will move. He doesn't. So without the most of excitement I log on on HIS computer. I get through the class hoping beyond hope that I will be able to reclaim my seat next class. I arrive to class today with the same hopes and spy my! I walk over to it, but someone is logged on and has left their backpack there. Oh well, I will just sit at the computer next to it, but someone else is logged in on this one. So I walk begrudgingly back to HIS computer. OH the nerve of some people! Can't a girl just continue to sit in the same seat all year without having to be bothered to move midway? This could seriously affect my a B. Horror of horrors!

*I am in complete sarcasm with this post. But seriously, who moves mid semester?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I LOVE the cold...

...and therefore...I am in heaven with the beginning of fall. Although, secretly, I wish it were colder. I am ready for December to get here in all it's winter glory. I want it to snow. I want to make snow angels and have snowball fights. I want to put up the Christmas tree. I want to read the nativity story with my family. I want to buy gifts for others and watch their excitement at opening them. I want to watch my niece delight in probably the first Christmas she will remember. I want to watch Colby as he celebrates his second Christmas, and I want to watch the new one, whose name is yet unknown, bundled up and being passed around during his/her first Christmas.
I want to sing Christmas carols. I want to feel my nose grow cold and see my breathe. I want to bake cookies and drink hot cocoa. I want to snuggle under a blanket with my sister(s). I want to laugh at the silly things we get each other. I want to watch my family in joy and love. I want to spend time finding or making the perfect gift for the ones I love. I want to smell the muskiness from a wood burning stove. I want to recall memories with my siblings and stay up late playing games with them.
This time of year always reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses.
By the breath of God frost is given: and the breadth of the waters is straitened. Job 37:10

Friday, September 24, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Rain (it's a good thing).

2. Clearance.

3. Netflix (We finally got it...I love it).

4. Make-Up free days.

5. Nair (I know, I know...I've said it before...but I do love it!).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Oversleeping (I did that today and slept through all of my classes).

2. Reading aloud.

3. Midol.

4. Skittles (I was given some for my cravings...<3).

5. The smell of the laundry detergent we are using right now (it reminds me of something but I can't place it, but I love the scent).

Friday, September 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Naps.

2. Leaves changing colors.

3. Getting out of classes early.

4. 3 day weekends.

5. Sunshine.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Midnight (the beginning of a new day).

2. Naps (I'm going to take one as soon as I'm done with this).

3. Teachers who trust you not to cheat.

4. Go phones (did you know you can just put your sim card into one of these babies if you need a new phone, it's like a brand new phone for a whole lot less).

5. Showers (which is next in line after the nap).

Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh CBC how I hate thee...

So school is back in session...and I'm thrilled yay(insert sarcastic enthusiasm here)! It's not that I don't enjoy being back here and having something to do and that it is getting me one step closer to starting my life, I just don't like CBC, it's not really the classes or the teachers or the students, it's just CBC. It's retarded. I started classes on Thursday and then they were cancelled on Friday. A planned cancelled day so they could train employees, hello, isn't that what summer is for? Yeah, thought so. Also I completely missed my first class because they don't have enough parking. They opened a new parking lot last year and it is closed this year so they can expand it. Not really sure what they did all summer besides replace carpet, change the game room into an admissions office and well I can't think of anything else they changed. But the real reason why I am hating so much on CBC today, is because I am done with classes. Notice it is almost 11 and I actually got out at 10:30. So, I'm done with classes for the day and should be on my merry way home, but am I? No. Why you ask? Well because they are having a mandatory student meeting, and while I would normally skip this meeting, they have decided to start charging $50 if you don't go. So I have no choice to go or to pay outta pocket, and I believe if I actually had the extra money laying around that I would most likely go ahead and skip the meeting. Have I mentioned that CBC is overcrowded? Cause they are. i digress.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Grace In The Small Things Friday

Grace In The Small Things Friday (I know it's Saturday...but you'll forgive me)

1. Painting (it takes my mind off of things and helps the time to pass).

2. Living in a 3 college town and going to Wal*Mart (it's quite the experience).

3. A constant feeling (while mine isn't the best right now, it still is a reminder that God knows what He is doing and that His will will be done in His timing).

4. Silence (while as of late I have hated it, I now enjoy it again).

5. Writing (and what I can only write about).

Friday, August 13, 2010

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Rest.

2. Being back for school.

3. Fans.

4. Tylenol.

5. Clean floors.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Grace In The Small Things Friday

Grace In The Small Things, Friday

1. Friends that remain your friend, no matter what.

2. Air Conditioning.

3. Writing Letters.

4. Music.

5. Poetry.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

my heart hurts. that's it.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Grace In The Small Things Friday

...and I'm back...lost count of which one this is but that's okay...

1. Best Friends.

2. Road Trips.

3. Old the smell of pretty much everything they make.

4. Pure Seduction by Victoria's fave lotion right now.

5. Rain...even though I haven't gotten to spend any time out in it as of late...I still love it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Grace In The Small Things...Friday

Grace In The Small Things-96

1. Shane & Shane (easily becoming my new favorite Christian artist...okay they already are).

2. Joy (let me just say, if you have never prayed for's a wonderful peace but better).

3. Nail Polish Remover.

4. Cool Summer Nights (I've been spending a lot of time outside at night down by the lake...talking to God).

5. Painting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life is just good right now. I don't's not like amazing things are happening everyday or anything like that...I am just joyful. It's wonderful to just feel joyful all the time, I can only thank God for this joy. He has truly given me this gift and I can't thank Him enough for it! I love having this joy! Even if I'm not particularly happy, I still have that joy inside of me! Anyway I just thought I would share that piece of information :).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Grace In The Small Things...Friday

I've decided to make Friday's "Grace In The Small Things Friday" since I have been negligent in doing it daily...mostly because I was out of internet usage for a week...and have been putting off getting on so I wouldn't have to try and catch 'ere goes...

Grace In The Small Things-95

1. Nair.

2. Fans.

3. Nail Files.

4. The smell of books.

5. Cell service.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-94

Grace In The Small Things-94

1. Lakes.

2. Meeting new people...even when I don't want to.

3. Hairspray.

4. Poolside Movies.

5. Walking around a new town.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-93

Grace In The Small Things-93

1. Children's Imaginations.

2. Lotion...Nivea preferably.

3. Squeals of laughter.

4. Comfortable flip-flops.

5. Stubbornness.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-92

Grace In The Small Things-92

1. Watching someone bowl for the first time.

2. Good deals on new DVD's.

3. Trident Layers.

4. that place.

5. Fresh Laundry.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-91

Grace In The Small Things-91

1. Kisses from my nephew.

2. Popsicles.

3. Sunshine.

4. Air Conditioning.

5. HGTV.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-90

Grace In The Small Things-90

1. Distraction.

2. Showers in the morning.

3. Silence.

4. Chap-stick.

5. Rockers.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-89

Grace In The Small Things-89

1. Hearing my name being yelled by my niece, Karlee, as she runs into my arms.

2. Laughter that sounds like screaming from my nephew, Colby.

3. Awaking to the sound of Colby talking to Karlee.

4. Breakfast.

5. Power naps.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-88

Grace In The Small Things-88

1. Baseball.

2. Sunday afternoons.

3. Absence.

4. Cats (The Dyes cat, Rosco aka Perfect(by Sam and I) slept with me last night...he doesn't like people outside of the family normally, but he loves me).

5. Late nights.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-87

Grace In The Small Things-87

1. Waking up to a breeze blowing through the window.

2. Late night breakfast.

3. Walks.

4. Stubbornness.

5. Confusion.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-86

Grace In The Small Things-86

1. Organization.

2. S'mores.

3. Sunshine coming through windows.

4. Walmart.

5. Evading people for other people.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-85

Grace In The Small Things-85

1. The Blue Man Group.

2. Music.

3. Chocolate.

4. Vitamin E for hair.

5. Pantene ProV.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-84

Grace In The Small Things-84

1. Across The Universe Soundtrack (I have to admit that I like it better than the original Beatles sue me).

2. Sweet Tea.

3. Jack (one of the Dyes favorite).

4. Random dancing.

5. DVR.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-83

Grace In The Small Things-83

1. Morning chill.

2. Hanging with friends.

3. Quiet moments alone.

4. Journaling.

5. The sound of dripping water.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-80, 81 & 82

Grace In The Small Things-80

1. Headphones.

2. Semi-Writer's Block.

3. Sweats.

4. Ponytails.

5. Hair Straightener.

Grace In The Small Things-81

1. Perfume.

2. Church.

3. Rain.

4. Kittens.

5. Ceiling Fans.

Grace In The Small Things-82

1. Internet.

2. Pictures.

3. Memories.

4. Cellular Phones.

5. Theatre (went to see "Letters To Juliet" last night(tonight)and it was A-MAY-ZING!!! It has inspired me and Sam and Dani to plan out next Italy...we're going to start saving now and we plan to go in 4 years...but if we save up all the money before...CIAO!).

Friday, May 14, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-79

Grace In The Small Things-79

1. 5...count 'em...FIVE A's!

2. Procrastination that pays off.

3. SUMMER!!! (officially starts today...for me).

4. Technology (such as ultrasounds...because now I know that my sister is having another baby girl!!!).

5. Antique's my new favorite (God bless the BBC).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-78

Grace In The Small Things-78

1. Minimizing.

2. Not having to sit on a suitcase to get it to close.

3. Anticipation.

4. Hate of campaign ads.

5. Abrevia.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My heart feels heavy and I'm not sure why. It nerves me.

Grace In The Small Things-76 & 77

Grace In The Small Things-76

1. Sighing.

2. Finally getting to read a book.

3. Free time needed for packing...spent not packing.

4. Anticipation of seeing my best (girl) friend.

5. Weddings (Kayla's getting married on Saturday...on Saturday...on Saturday (I am singing this in my head...not sure to what tune...feel free to sing to your own tune)).

Grace In The Small Things-77

1. Solitaire (it has become my addiction).

2. iTunes free downloads.

3. Midol (can I say that? I normally don't need it...but on early mornings (like this one) it is helpful...can we say CAFFEINE).

4. Learning something new...everyday.

5. Amount of free space in my brain. Hmm...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-73, 74 & 75

Grace In The Small Things-73

1. Best Friends.

2. Card Games.

3. Picnics on a cold day.

4. Late Night storms.

5. Doing absolutely NOTHING.

Grace In The Small Things-74

1. Waking up to the sound of mom talking.

2. Laying awake at night listening to the silence.

3. Hearing your parents praying before bed.

4. Privacy...haven't had much since Thursday.

5. Chilly mornings.

Grace In The Small Things-75

1. Fans.

2. Lamps...perfect for late night reading.

3. Family.

4. Hair Dryers.

5. Aussie hair products.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-72

Grace In The Small Things-72

1. Early Mornings...not by choice.

2. Lucky Charms.

3. Sleepy Eyes.

4. Air Conditioning.

5. Ceiling Fans.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-71

Grace In The Small Things-71

1. Pandora.

2. Getting Up Early (when I don't have to).

3. Kool-AID.

4. Clean House.

5. Mowed Lawn.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-70

Grace In The Small Things-70

1. Alone time with Jesus.

2. Finding beauty while being broken.

3. Apples.

4. Crawling out of bed in just enough time to make it to my last final.

5. Worshiping God on my way to school.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-69

Grace In The Small Things-69

1. Studying paying off with a whopping 92%.

2. Sunny D.

3. Tylenol.

4. Bottled water.

5. Naps...:).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-68

Grace In The Small Things-68

1. Lady Antebellum.

2. 90 degree weather...:).

3. Studying.

4. Friends.

5. Busy work.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-67

Grace In The Small Things-67

1. Safety.

2. Lunch.

3. God's all forgiving grace.

4. Growling stomach.

5. Perfume.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Welcome MAY!!!

YAY! May is here! That means that April showers are over and the May flowers are here...not exactly. Today I went to a friends lingerie shower about an hour away from the end of the party one of the girls gets a text saying that a tornado was on it's way to where we were and would get there in about 30 minutes...Hannah and I left(I road with her) hoping to beat the tornado, we did 80 pretty much the entire way home, that is except when the rain was so hard we couldn't see...on our way home, we found out that we were headed straight into another tornado, we had 15 minutes to seek shelter before it hit Conway...We decided that we could make it past Conway in 12 minutes, and went for it...we made it...only to hear on the radio that another tornado was going to hit Greenbrier in another 15-20 minutes(where I live)...we made it home 10 minutes before the tornado was to touch down in Greenbrier...thankfully!...I guess my career as a storm chaser isn't going so well, considering that it was the storm chasing us, but thankfully we weren't harmed and no one we know was harmed (or that I've heard of yet) and we made it to the house before the tornado was supposed to ended up not touching down in Greenbrier, it did touch down in Conway though...We would have stopped and sought shelter, but there was no where to stop besides the side of the road, and I'd rather be safe at home than lying in a ditch hoping the tornado doesn't touch me...we did stop at a grocery store in the town the lingerie shower was in, but they had their doors I doubt we would have had much luck anyway...

Grace In The Small Things-66

Grace In The Small Things-66

1. Cold Fried Chicken.

2. Quiet Mornings.

3. Sleeping Late.

4. Sharpies.

5. C.D. Sleeves.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-65

Grace In The Small Things-65

1. Last day of class.

2. Stress of finals coming up.

3. Fruit.

4. Stormy weather.

5. Family.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-64

Grace In The Small Things-64

1. Hairspray.

2. Bobby Pins.

3. Easy Finals.

4. Short Days.

5. Naps.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Only 3 pages...

That's all I have left to write for my final paper of this semester. It is due Friday at noon and yet I can't seem to find one more source to write those three pages with. Sigh. I will get it done, I pray that it turns out to show how much effort I've put into it. I've never worked on a paper this hard, but I had a topic that interested me and now I am stuck, but I will overcome this and find one more source, I wonder if a blog counts as a source, because I found a blog that had a lot of information on it...hmm...

Grace In The Small Things-63

Grace In The Small Things-63

1. Music.

2. Heated Seats (perfect for chilly mornings on the way to school).

3. VHS.

4. Bottled Water.

5. Rest amid the chaos of finals.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-62

Grace In The Small Things-62

1. Tacky Glue.

2. KFC.

3. Impulsive Shopping.

4. Redbox.

5. Study Guides.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-61

Grace In The Small Things-61

1. A Clean Bedroom.

2. Public Speaking (while I hate doing it, I know it helps me to be more confident).

3.Nivea body lotion (it smells oh so good and leaves my skin feeling like silk).

4. Sharpies...*sigh*...I (<3 their smell!).

5. Finding something and using it for a different purpose (I found these bamboo mats at big lots, and instead of using them as mats...I'm using them as curtains for my room...yay for privacy!).

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today I learned about compassion. I have little. I need more. That's what I learned.
I opened my computer to write in my book more, but somehow I ended up here. My heart must want to talk, about what...I'm not sure...I'll let my fingers lead me. I'm a little sad that I didn't sign up to go to Nicaragua with my college group. I wanted to go, but I know it's not what God wants for me, but my flesh is finding it hard to give it up. I mean I'm's a mission trip, how can God not want me to go?...I know, I know...St.Louis. It's where I'm meant to go. Honestly, I can't wait to go...I feel like something different is really going to happen...something good. I am looking forward to going and I can hardly wait to begin doing fundraisers...I just am having a hard time with...I don't want to say settling...but I mean i feel like I am settling for St.Louis when I could go to Nicaragua...and I could...signing up is over, but today they announced that two places had opened up and I wanted to jump up and shout "ME! ME! I WANT TO GO!" but that's just it...I want to go...God doesn't want me's me...I know that St.Louis is in no way less of a mission than Nicaragua...sigh...I guess if I'm going to be honest with myself...I wanted to go because it's a foreign mission and it just seems like I'm less of a Christian if I forgo foreign and stay home...maybe another year it will be what God wants...maybe I'm not meant to go on a foreign field...I'd be scared...I know that much...but fear makes me rely on God more...sigh...stop making excuses Amber...get over it and accept what He wants...

Grace In The Small Things-60

Grace In The Small Things-60

1. Date night with sister(s).

2. Moisturizer.

3. Frizz.

4. Those days when you just don't feel yourself.

5. Safety Pins.

Just a few pics...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-59

Grace In The Small Things-59

1. Early Morning Thunderstorms.

2. Cool Spring Days.

3. Dancing.

4. Sound of dogs the distance.

5. Fresh Air.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-58

Grace In The Small Things-58

1. Rainstorms.

2. Blizzards (from DQ not nature).

3. Alpha Kenny Body (you know you laughed or at least smirked).

4. Glue guns.

5. Youtube.

Baskets are done...

In honor of both of them being done I shall post a before and after pic of each...






Thursday, April 22, 2010


Here is the finished picnic basket...I still have to finish the other one...

Summer Fever...

With only one more week of classes left followed by a week of finals then graduation, I am officialy sick with summer fever! I cannot wait to be done and out for 3 months. This summer promises to be awesome! First off, I get to spend the first week packing for the summer, week 2 I will be spending with my best friend Samantha, week 3 will be spent with my sister Jessica, week 4 will be spent with Samantha again ending by taking a trip to my home in Missouri and going to elephant rocks and camping out at my house. Then another best friend, Andy, is going to be living with my family this summer! I am excited, I won't be alone again this summer like always! I cannot wait and am ready to ditch the books, not that I actually use the books, but you get the drift.
Ah...sigh. Today was a good day. I woke up at 9:30 to get ready for my first class, I got all ready and was about to leave when I remembered that it was cancelled, so I got to spend some time just lazying around. I gave my presentation today, I sucked, but still made a decent grade. Then when I went to Wal-Mart to get material for my baskets, I will post finished pics later, and I waited for about 15 or 20 minutes for someone to finally show up and cut the fabric. So I got home around 3ish, then I ate finally. Then I went outside and raked for an hour, we have these lovely gumball trees, need I say more? I am now the owner of two awesome blisters, one on eah hand. I have one on my left pinky and the other is on my right thumb. But it's all good, I will finish raking tomorrow I guess because I quit today, I didn't want to do it anymore.

Grace In The Small Things-57

Grace In The Small Things-57

1. Waking up for a class you forgot was cancelled.

2. Remembering said class was cancelled before leaving.

3. Free music from favorite artists.

4. Bubble gum.

5. Late night snacks.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A tisket, a tasket, I bought a "new" basket...


This one I'm just doing batting and material on...

The top...

The inside that still needs batting and material...

Tada! I still have to paint the underside of the hadles, but it's pretty much done!

Grace In The Small Things-56

Grace In The Small Things-56

1. Honesty.

2. Getting a phone call from my favorite boy (Colby, of course).

3. Friends you can tell anything to.

4. Tylenol.

5. Puppies.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-55

Grace In The Small Things-55

1. Sighing.

2. Poetry.

3. Back aches.

4. Friends who are like family.

5. Colored paper.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just call me...

INSOMNIATIC. Again I can't sleep, I even made myself stay awake today so I could sleep tonight, but alas, here I am wide awake. I went to bed an hour ago and fell asleep then some little noise was made jolting me awake, it's like I had a power nap and am now ready to face the world. Someone please lend me some drugs! I wouldn't mind so much except tomorrow is badmitton AND I have to give a presentation in my second class...ugh...please go away insomnia. It's okay though...only 18 days until graduation(well 19 right now but 18 by the time it will be read tomorrow) only 18 more nights until I can sleep any time of the day I want for 3 months...sweet, sweet bliss!
I'm alone again tonight. Scarlett is working and Skip went to Kassie's, I don't know if he is going to show up tonight or not. He got a puppy today and said that it almost drowned itself, so he might stay at Kassie's just to make sure it is alright it's first night. It really doesn't bother me anymore to be alone at night like it used to, I guess because I did it for two weeks, I just don't like not knowing if he is coming home at night or not.
I think I will write in my poets notebook, maybe inspiration will hit me...I did write two poems today, not sure if I like them yet or not...they may be forgotten...but this is a sign that my writer's block is coming to an least in the poetry end of it.

Grace In The Small Things-54

Grace In The Small Things-54

1. Chilly Mornings.

2. Getting ready in 5 minutes.

3. Nightmares that turn into a good dream.

4. U.S. Postal Service.

5. Hoodies.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-53

Grace In The Small Things-53

1. Hot showers.

2. Tangles.

3. John Freida Frizz-ease.

4. Actually doing school work.

5. Solitaire (it has helped me through many sleepless nights).

I can't sleep so Blog I shall...

Oh how I hate not being able to sleep. I know that if I awoke earlier in the day then I would most likely not have this problem. I shall start anew tomorrow with this theory and arise at 7:45 to take a shower and get ready for church. I can't wait for church because I was in toddlers last week and I'm ready to hear the Word of God. I am ready for school to be over and I am afraid that I may be failing one class...and I'm not the only one. Everyone in the class is failing and I am hoping that the professor will assign a huge curve to us all. On a brighter note, I have an A in 2 of my classes that I am aware of...and I might have one in photography but I'm not really sure on that one. Our final for photography is two Tuesdays away and we will be having gallery night...where we put out some of our best pics and people come by and look at them during the time we would normally have class, and we were informed that they administration wants us to keep them up until after graduation, so I guess that is sort of neat. We have to write a short paragraph about ourself to go along with the photo's but I don't know what to put. I thought about just puting I am a procrastinator, but I'm sure that will get me a B and I want an A. I signed up for classes for next semester and I will be taking 18 ungodly hours. Pray for me because I am going to need it. I am also hoping that I find a car this summer and maybe a job, not really sure if I want a job yet or not, but I will probably need one. I hate the thought of that. I sincerely think I was born in the wrong era...I should have been a princess...just saying.
So my Bible study lately has been amazing, God has really spoken to me through them, not about anything in particular, but about a lot of things. Mostly Himself. He has just been revealing Himself to me in so many different ways and I am loving it! Nothing excites me more than getting to know God deeper everyday. I pray that it continues as such.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-52

Grace In The Small Things-52

1. Late nights.

2. Waking up early...then going back to sleep.

3. Cloudy days.

4. Laziness.

5. Colbie Caillat.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-51

Grace In The Small Things-51

1. Waking up to an empty house.

2. Sleeping until noon.

3. Procrastinating.

4. Milk (so I guess in essence...cows).

5. Febreze (it smells good).

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Where to begin? Life. Life is so confusing yet it is so wonderful. I hate it yet I love it. I cast it away yet I hold it close. I wish I knew what it will bring yet I want to take joy in the surprise. I want to cry yet I want to laugh. I want to scream yet I want to be silent. I want to be passionate yet I want to be serene. So what brought this on? I don't even know. I've just been thinking about life lately. Where is it going to take me? What am I going to do with it? All of these thoughts and yet I have peace. God has been revealing Himself to me more and more in my everyday study of His Word. I have been relishing in His glory and power! His compassion and mercy! It is so astounding all of the different qualities that He holds and how He chooses to portray them and who He chooses to use for His benefit. It is not for us but for Him. We are nothing and He is everything. He is ALL. It amazes me daily that He cares for me and what have I done? Nothing. I fail His glory everyday, every minute with every breath that I take. I am failing, yet He shows His mercy and forgives me constantly over and over and over. I am useless, yet He uses me. I am nothing but He lives in me making me become ALL. Take Him away and I am nothing. A worthless piece of flesh. Human.

Grace In The Small Things-50

Grace In The Small Things-50

1. Daily revealings from God.

2. Concerned family members.

3. Peace.

4. Neon Colors.

5. Chipped nail polish.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-49

Grace In The Small Things-49

1. Spice Girls ringtone.

2. Music.

3. Ponytail Holders.

4. Being Alone.

5. Flip-Flops.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-48

Grace In The Small Things-48

1. Lunch with friends.

2. MP3 Players.

3. Skype.

4. Water Bottles.

5. Chapstick.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-47

Grace In The Small Things-47

1. Silence.

2. Printers.

3. USB drives.

4. Alarms.

5. Getting ready (shower included) in 30 minutes.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Perfect Day...

What a BEAUTIFUL day we had yesterday! I am hoping today will be the same if not better! The sky was a light blue and not a cloud in sight...miraculous! God is so good to us by giving us eye pleasers! Today is going to be a good's Sunday! I will update more later but I have to leave for church soon...
I'm back from church and then some. I laid out today and got a tiny tiny it's barely noticeable...but it's there. Anyway...Friday was an amazing day...long but amazing and totally worth getting up early for. Here's how it went:
I spent the night at my sister's so I would already be in Conway when I had to leave at 6 a.m. to save myself 30 minutes. I woke up at 3:46a.m. not really sure why but I just woke up, and then I tried going back to sleep but Savannah's neighbors have a really loud truck with extremely bright lights and apparantly leave for work at 4. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up and started getting ready, it was only 45 minutes before I was planning on getting up anyway. So I get ready and have extra time to do my Bible study, which was amazing and really spoke to me. Then Hannah and Thomas arrive and we head out for Rogers/Garfield. We get there around 9 give or take a little, Travis comes and gets me and we hang out all day. He showed me around the basement he's been cleaning out and thinking about moving's pretty neat and set up like a house already, only thing is it doesn't have a kitchen or shower. Then we went through pictures at his grandpa's house, we were trying to find before pics of the basement, but couldn't find any, but it was a lot of fun looking at pics from when he was little and when Sammie was little. So we go to his house and he shows me around...we were both hungry but there wasn't anything to eat so he made mashed potatoes...then we watched Overboard, funny movie...then we went ahead and went to Sammie's house (this is about 3 now). Josh and Caleb were doing stuff outside so he was going to let me take a nap and went outside with them...but they(Josh and Caleb) ended up coming back in and playing video games and were really loud so Travis and I just watched youtube videos...then Josh went home so Caleb was engrossed in his then we found the water guns and filled them up and decided to get on the roof and sabotage Sam when she got home. We waited over an hour up there...I fell asleep and he woke me up cause he didn't want me to fall off of the roof...anyway Sam finally got home and we had fun squirting her down along with her parents...then we went to a restaurant to eat then to the cemetery then back to Sam's and sat before I had to come back to Conway...yeah so I didn't get home until sometime after 1:30 the next morning...but it was totally worth was pretty much a perfect day.

Grace In The Small Things-46

Grace In The Small Things-46

1. Extra Time.

2. Late Night texts that wake you up.

3. Boots.

4. Wearing fall styles in the spring because I can.

5. Singing.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-44&45

Grace In The Small Things-44

1. Bench seats.

2. Wind.

3. Water guns.

4. Roof tops.

5. Cemeteries.

Grace In The Small Things-45

1. Tripods.

2. Snail Mail.

3. Cute Boxes.

4. Old Pictures.

5. DVR.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-43

Grace In The Small Things-43

1. Sunshine accompanied by a cool breeze.

2. Smell of fresh cut grass.

3. Sound of laundry being done.

4. Bobby Pins.

5. Double Sided Tape.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-40,41&42

Grace In The Small Things-40

1. Facebook Chat.

2. Lucky Charms.

3. Walmart.

4. Rain.

5. Umbrella's.

Grace In The Small Things-41

1. Tylenol.

2. Laptops.

3. Cellular Phones.

4. Milk.

5. Camera's.

Grace In The Small Things-42

1. Small school atmosphere.

2. Professors who are friends.

3. Extension Cords.

4. Prayer.

5. Sleep...:).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-39

Grace In The Small Things-39

1. Long Car Rides home.

2. Conversations that bring me closer to my sister(s).

3. Friends who are always there.

4. Laughter.

5. Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection (I know this is in NO WAY a small thing...but I am grateful for it and I don't think about it that in essence it is "small" in my thoughts).

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-38

Grace In The Small Things-38

1. Goodwill.

2. Windows down on the road.

3. Fingernail Polish.

4. Shopping (even though I'm not a huge fan of it.)

5. Family time.

Friday, April 2, 2010


So not much has really happened since my last update. I still hate school...only 4 more weeks left!!! I graduate on May 8th with my Associates and then next year I will hopefully be done and have my Bachelors...we will see. So Spring Break was freaking AWESOME this year! I spent the entire week in Garfield, AR with my great best friend Samantha(Sam). her brother decided to go to this underage drinking party...we found out and went to get him and then we called the was first party to ever bust! So we didn't get to bed until 4 the next morning. Umm...what else? I kinda sorta have a boyfriend...his name is Travis...he is Sam's cousin so that is a little weird...we are just waiting on him to meet my dad so he can ask my dad's permission before it is all official...I'm pretty sure my dad will say yes...he wants me to be happy. So that is exciting! I am planning on staying with Sam for two weeks in that should be fun! And it is so I can see her and Travis both...not just Travis...I'm not that kind of friend...I plan on looking at car lots tomorrow for a cheap dependable car...praying that I can find one because I really need a car...carigslist is just dissappointing me lately...I email with no to the car lot I am going to go and a loan I shall get...

Grace In The Small Things-37

Grace In The Small Things-37

1. Sandals.

2. Ringtones.

3. Sleep deprivation.

4. Apple Juice.

5. Smell of rain.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-35&36

Grace In The Small Things-35

1. Sleep.


3. Silky shorts.

4. Oversized Sweatshirts.

5. Tape.

Grace In The Small Things-36

1. Sunny, Warm Weather

2. The tiny flowers that grow in the grass.

3. Freedom.

4. Photoshop.

5. Rootbeer.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-33&34

Grace In The Small Things-33

1. Music.

2. Planners that I neglect.

3. Playing hookie.

4. Hot showers.

5. Lotion.

Grace In The Small Things-34

1. Magnets.

2. Febreeze.

3. Chapstick.

4. Nail Polish.

5. Books.

Grace In The Small Things-30,31&32

Grace In The Smalls Things-30

1. Ice.

2. Creation revealing God's glory!

3. Gumball machines.

4. Happiness.

5. Reading the Bible.

Grace In The Small Things-31

1. Reading in general.

2. Mail.

3. Ink pens.

4. Hats.

5. Roses.

Grace In The Small Things-32

1. Picture Albums.

2. Cups.

3. Blue Jeans.

4. Rocks.

5. Cardboard.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-27,28&29

Grace In The Small Things-27

1. Nightlight a parody of Twilight (this book is hilarious!).

2. Duffy.

3. Sleep.

4. Sweats.

5. Dish washing soap.

Grace In The Small Things-28

1. Friends who listen.

2. Worry.

3. Lamps.

4. Paint.

5. Perfume.

Grace In The Small Things-29

1. Magnification Mirrors.

2. Makeup.

3. Face wash.

4. Blank C.D.'s.

5. Body Butter.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-24,25&26

Grace In The Small Things-24

1. Spring Break.

2. Surprise snow in March.

3. Smiles.

4. Laughter With Friends.

5. Board Games.

Grace In The Small Things-25

1. Sitting Under The Stars.

2. Laying Outside While The Storm Passes.

3. Tickling (Even though I HATE it when it is being does serve as a memory maker amongst friends).

4. Using perfume as a weapon against tickling.

5. Friends parents who are like your own.

Grace In The Small Things-26

1. Police.

2. Texting (easily one of my favorite things at the moment...:D).

3. Lady Antebellum's song "American Honey".

4. Mint Chocolate M&M's.

5. Push Pins.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Okay, okay...i know i haven't been on here in a week, but in my defense it was spring break and my sister got married last forgiveness?
Anyway I plan on picking up my Grace In The Small Things tomorrow or monday...not sure yet...anyway I'm not really sure what to put on here right now...i've started keeping a journal that I have entitled "The Hypocrite's Journal"...and yeah i just write in it like people do with of my little epiphanies and thoughts that i have throughout the day...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-22&23

Grace In The Small Things-22

1. Water.

2. M&M's.

3. Sleep.

4. Family.

5. Mothers.

Grace In The Small Things-23

1. French Tip Nails.

2. Bad hair days...

3. Quiet Time.

4. Over helpful people.

5. Children.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-21

Grace In The Small Things-21

1. Victoria's Secret free give-a-ways.

2. Corned beef and cabbage.

3. Laundry Detergent.

4. Rainy Days.

5. Dance Dance Revolution.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-20

Grace In The Small Things-20

1. Moths.

2. Lizards.

3. Silence.

4. Long Exposure.

5. T.V. Dinners.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-19

Grace In The Small Things-19

1. Cancelled Classes.

2. Wii Fit.

3. Sunny Spring Days.

4. Tape Measures.

5. McDonald's Sweet Tea.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-18

Grace In The Small Things-18

1. Hoodies.

2. Sunday mornings at church.

3. The relief of something about to happen.

4. Throws (make the perfect Sunday nap blanket).

5. Make-up.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So today was such a laid back day...i woke up at 11 exactly and then i cleaned the bathroom and that was all i did today...pretty much nothing, but it was nice...yet i was bored all day long, normally i can go for hours with nothing to do and be fine, but today i was bored and nobody wanted to do anything...but i'm about to watch twilight and then call it a day...

Grace In The Small Things-17

Grace In The Small Things-17

1. Chilly mornings.

2. Stereo's.

3. Clearance Sales.

4. Cap'n Crunch knock off cereals.

5. Bottled Water.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-16

Grace In The Small Things-16

1. Rediscovering childhood music.

2. Clean room.

3. Moisturizer.

4. Vacuum's.

5. Spray Tans (I got one today and I LOVE it! I'm still pretty light skinned, but not as white as a ghost anymore, although it is getting darker, but I have just a light tan and it is nice. :D).

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-15

Grace In The Small Things-15

1. Thunderstorms.

2. Tornadoes (I know they bring worry, but they are so spastic that none of them touched down where I was, or any of my family way. Thank you God!).

3. Extra time in the mornings before class.

4. Flinstone chewable vitamins.

5. Peaceful mornings after the storm.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So update on my dog, he is no more. I wasn't home at all this past weekend, I left on Friday and returned for about five minutes Sunday afternoon then arrived back home Sunday night. Anyway my sister was taking care of him while I was gone and when she got up to give him his medicine on Sunday, he wasn't there and wouldn't come to her call. So he must have ran off to die, and I don't want to go look for his dead body...don't think I could handle that...I am just glad that he died now rather than having a slow death over the next two months. I know it sounds heartless, but maybe I am. Anyway I won't be getting another dog any time soon.
But this weekend turned out nice...Vanna's bacholerette party took place...I was so glad for it to get here and finally be over was s success as were the shirts. Now only 10 days until her wedding! I can't believe it is that soon, but oh well I am ready for it to be done...I have to go get a spray tan and my nails done next week! I am excited, I really don't have to, I just want to so I won't be a white ghost in the pics...anyway I am tired and not willing to type any longer...

Grace In The Small Things-13&14

Sorry I missed yesterday(I know it was only like 10 minutes ago, but oh well I will post for today and yesterday)...I had a cold, but it's almost completely gone now!
So you get 2 today!

Grace In The Small Things-13

1. Soups.

2. Flip Flops.

3. Mail.

4. Blankets.

5. Fans.

Grace In The Small Things-14

1. Cough drops.

2. Late nights that turn into an inspiration.

3. Cameras (I love taking pictures).

4. Popcorn.

5. Brother & Sister time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-12

Grace In The Small Things-12

1. Take180 (you can visit them HERE)

2. Cold medicine (even though it's not drowsy I still feel completely worn out).

3. Loving family and friends.

4. Fake tans (I plan on getting one for Jo's wedding).

5. Music.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-11

Grace In The Small Things-11

1. Blue Skies.

2. Being able to smell (cause right now I can't...:( stupid cold).

3. Quiet.

4. Toothbrushes.

5. Sunshine.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-9&10

Since I missed yesterday I am going to do 2 today

Grace In The Small Things-9

1. Agent Cool Blue.

2. Water.

3. Chocolate.

4. Early Mornings(although I hardly see it).

5. Electricity.

Grace In The Small Things-10

1. Pineapple.

2. Brownies.

3. Apple Juice.

4. Candles.

5. Finger Nail Polish.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-8

Grace In The Small Things-8

1. Agent Cool Blue mouth rinse.

2. Jason Walker's self titled album.

3. Headphones.

4. Redbox.

5. Tweezers.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-7

Grace In The Small Things-7

1. Sunshine.

2. Craigslist!

3. Parents who are over concerned.

4. Fail Blog. HERE

5. Steaks.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-6

Grace In The Small Things-6

1. Hair Straighteners.

2. Ponytail Holders.

3. Belts.

4. Refund Checks.

5. Writer's Block ( I know that I always complain about having it, but truthfully it is a blessing in disguise because it allows me time to rest and focus more on neglected schoolwork).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-5

Grace In The Small Things-5

1. Space heaters.

2. Cloudy days promising rain and snow.

3. Over sized sweaters.

4. Thumbtacks.

5. Messy hair days (which seems to happen more often than not for me).

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-4

Grace In The Small Things-4

1. Mothers who are always there for you.

2. Sunday School teachers.

3. Little black dress (or in this case, grey)

4. Procrastination.

5. Sunday afternoon naps.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-3

Grace In The Small Things-3

1. Phone calls at 1 a.m. from sisters inviting you to come to their bridal shoot.

2. Friends that are photographers who get excitement out of their job.

3. Random talks about pregnancy (makes me want to get married and have kids majorly bad) with pregnant friends.

4. Talking to friends you haven't seen in years.

5. Spontaneous stopping for supper on the ride home leading to spontaneously going to a birthday party.

Friday, February 26, 2010

I hate writers block

I have been sitting here staring at this blank page for 5 minutes wondering what to post about and my mind is blank. This is something that has been happening a lot lately, I have all of these ideas and none of them will transfer themselves on to paper, or computer in this case. Why must there be this thing known as writer's block? I thought I was past this but now it is just haunting me daily.
I guess I will tell you about the books I got this week. On Tuesday I went to Little Rock with my borhter and sister and future bro-in-law so Skip(brother) could get fitted for his tuxedo for Savannah and Jared's wedding (sis and bro-in-law). Afterwards Skip and I went out own seperate way and he took me to this cute store called Garden Ridge. It is this home decor store with other random items, and they had marked down the majority of thei rbooks to $0.25, so I dug my way through three tables full of books looking for ones that caught my eye. After about an hour or so and coming across countless repeated books I finally resurfaced with six books. I don't remember the titles of all of them but I will name all that I can remember. Novel, Matches, Desert Crossing, Liberation, Sweetness in the Belly, and Irish Sports Page. Oh wow I did remember them all.
Last night I read Desert Crossing and it was different, interesting, but overall it was good. It started off with these three teens, two boys who were eighteen (Jamie and Kit) and a fourteen year old girl (Lucy) who was Jamie's sister. Kit is Jamie's best friend. They are passing through New Mexico on their way to spend spring break with Jamie and Lucy's father, Kit is along because his parents were away. Anyway they are passing through the desert and it gets dark all of a sudden and starts raining and they can't see out of the window very well and they hit something, after turning back they find a girl's dead body and think they have run her over, they didn't they actually hit a coyote. They stay at this woman's, Emily, house while they are waiting on the police to see if they actually hit her or not. Jamie has an affair with Emily which made it very disturbing, the author didn't go in to detail. Kit and Lucy end up kissing a couple of times while trying to figure out who acutally left the girl there dead, they find this guy who had date raped the girl but he gave her a pill which caused the girl to have a heart attack and he actually confesses to the police. Kit tells Lucy that they can't be a couple, although she had been telling him all along, and he kept wanting to kiss her, but since they are going home he said that it wouldn't happen then, but who's to say if they will get together eventually. The book ends with them starting to go back home and a coyote runs out in front of them again, but they put their brakes on in time this time.
I started reading Matches today and I just threw it away, it had the F word all throughout it and I didn't want to read that, so I just threw it in the trash. So that was my venture in to my books so far, hopefully the other ones won't be so full of cuss words, although I normally just take a pen to the page and mark them out if needed, but there was just too much in that book.

Grace In The Small Things-2

Grace In The Small Things-2

1. Oversleeping, even if it means missing a class.

2. Friday afternoons spent doing absolutely nothing.

3. Lotion from Bath&Body.

4. Clutter, it keeps me sane.

5. John Frieda's hair products for curls that have a mind of their own.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So my brother and I were going to his girlfriends house the other day and we stopped and took pictures along the way...and when we got to her house we took some more of her horses and stuff...and we also took a walk in our woods today and took some more pics...I just thought I would upload some...and they are out of it goes from our walk today and backwards...

Grace In The Small Things-1

So I followed this new blog, I found it while doing research for the book I am writing....Check it out I was skimming through her blogs I found a few entitled Grace in the small things and she got it from HERE...and I think I want to do here goes my first one...

Grace In The Small Things-1

1. $0.25 books that lead to new author discoveries.

2. Friends who are willing to read and re-read my writings and edit the life out of them.

3. Sisters who are best friends.

4. Brothers who will look with you when your dog has gone missing.

5. Dogs that smile, even after being hit by a car.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I know which direction...

I know which direction I will be going with my book now...I am going to try and double the size of the book by introducing a new character. This shall be fun to explore and play around with, I am excited to take off with the words and let them flow through my hand on to the paper. So hopefully I will have somewhere between 200-300 pages in my book now. I am praying that it will work and I believe it will...
In other sister's wedding is only 3 weeks and 3 days away! I am so excited! Next weekend is her bacholerette party and I am ready for it to be out of the way...I am so worried about all of the planning because I have never done this before, but everything seems to be coming together pretty nicely...I still have to find shirts to buy because I haven't been able to find them really, I haven't looked at Wal*Mart just yet, but I plan on doing so...and I need to make reservations at the restaurant and I need to send out the price list for the girls...So those are the few things I will be doing in the next week and half...
So my dog is getting better, I don't remember if I said anything but last week my sister hit him with her car on her way home from work(she works night shift so this was about 8 that morning) and she wakes me up and tells me that he ran off and she couldn't find I spend the next 2 hours trying to find him and I couldn't so I went to school but when I got back home my brother helped me look for him and we found him...the vet said that she probably hit him head on in the nose...he said that he fractured his palette so he has been breathing pretty horribly due to that...but Cyrus(my dog) is getting that makes me happy...I guess that is all for now...on to lunch and to write more of my book...hopefully...

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's about time I got back on here...

So I know I haven't blogged in about 4 months and I don't have an excuse for it. Anyway let me think back to my last post and see what has been going on. Savannah and Jared moved their wedding date to March...and nothing else really has happened...except me going to Ireland...but I will get to that later. So my dad has been having a major problem...his kidneys have started to the end of last year he went to the hospital for it, but they got it fixed...or so they said...but now he is having problems again...and he has been waiting for about a month to go see the doctor and I believe he finally gets to go see him either this week or next, so please pray for him. My mom has had this problem with food. She can't really eat anything because it tastes nasty to her, only certain foods taste okay to her and she has lost weight so fast...she is smaller than I am now...she looks really good but it is sad the way she is losing weight. She has gone to a lot of doctors trying to find out what is wrong, but so far they haven't been able to tell what it is and on top of all of that she is having nerve problems pretty bad lately from when she had bells palsy and shingles a couple years ago. So my parents really need prayers for their health.
Jessica is pregnant again!!! Colby and this one will be 7 months apart...the same age between Skip and Savannah, so I am excited...I think Jess was a little nerve wracked about it...but since she is breastfeeding she can't take birth control and surprise surprise...
I started writing a book about two or three weeks ago...and I am almost done...I have 101 that is exciting!!! I'm kind of at a wall right now though because I'm not sure what to do that is kind of I know where I want to go with it I just can't seem to form it onto paper (yes I write it all out by hand and then type it up)...darn you writer's block....but I kind of have my own personal really but I've been emailing it all to him and he reads over it and critiques it for me and lets me know where it was confusing but so far I've gotten a lot of positive that's a good sign...I've let Savannah read it also...Scarlett and Skip haven't read it although I told them they could but Skip said he wants to wait until it's done to read it...although I don't know if he really will since he's not much of a reader and I'm not really sure why Scarlett hasn't read it...I plan on emailing it to Jess one of these days to see what she thinks...I haven't shown my parents...I don't even know if they know I'm writing a book, but I want it to be a surprise to them.
So Ireland...was AMAZING. I will start from the very beginning and go through my trip...sorry if some words are missing a letter but my 'm' button isn't being very cooperative today...anyway so...It ended up only being me, Sam and Scarlett that went...this trip was one full of firsts, first time on a plane, first time out of the country, first time over seas, first time to Ireland, first time to taste nutella (I'm not a fan), first time to taste plum jelly (i'm a fan)...and so on. So I got back to Arkansas on the 4th in the afternoon and then I unpacked then repacked, I had done my laundry at home in Missouri so Scarlett could do her laundry here(AR), and then Sam got here on the 5th and we could not sleep that night. We had to get up at 6 so we could leave no later than 7, but we were up until about 2 that morning because we could not sleep (excitements is at fault for this of course). So we get up and Skip takes us to the airport in LR and all of the things we had read about flights had said to get there 3 hours early because of a recent flight we get there at 8 and they end up giving us an early flight. But we fly to Houston, still not sure why because it is back tracking...then we flew to Boston...our flight was late so we were literally running through the airport to catch our flight to Ireland...we get to the gate and we are told (by a red tinted brown haired Irish guy) that our flight has been cancelled and to come back the next day at noon to try and catch a different flight...he was very nice and set us up in a hotel and gave us each a $25 allowance on the hotel's restaurant for supper and then the breakfast the next morning was free. At first I was a little upset until I realized that HEY I GET A SHOWER!!! So we are trying to figure out why it was cancelled cause he never mentioned why and we didn't think to there was this girl on the shuttle bus to the hotel that we asked cause she was going there also and she said it was because Ireland was hit by pretty much a blizzard...and we were stunned...if you didn't NEVER snows in if they ever get any it's just a light we were shocked because we had been keep an eye on the weather and it had been in the high 40's and 50's so we were a little shocked as was everyone we get there and sleep and the next morning we are up and ready to head to the airport at 9...and we get there and the line has already started forming...luckily there were only about 15 people in line ahead of us...including this old man that road over on the shuttle bus with us who was from Ireland and, unbeknown to him, is now my adopted grandpa since I don't have one...they ended up opening the ticket counter early since there was such an abundance of people in line awaiting...the majority of them were from Dublin and only handful were from Shannon and only about 4 people (not including us girls) were from we wait for our flight which doesn't take off until 5 that night, so now we have lost two entire days in here is how the flights are supposed to work...they fly to Shannon and then on to Dublin, but since the majority of the people on our flight were from Dublin they flew to Dublin first, so when we get there at about 5:30 in the morning their time(which is 11:30p.m. our time) and we don't take off again until around 1:30 (from now on unless stated otherwise all time is Ireland time which is 6 hrs ahead of us) so we end up in Shannon at about 2 or 3 that afternoon and we still have to drive to the cottage....we end up getting there at around 5 that night so Mrs. Mcdonald is like oh there you are...your mom is so worried about you get in here and email her before you do anything else I was even starting to get worried about mom had been emailing her to make sure we made it there and stuff...anyway so we email her then they feed us supper...which was really nice of them because they didn't have was an amazing soup not even sure what it was but it was really good...anyway so we are snowed in for the first few days and so for my birthday and Sam's we run to the local food store and get some steaks, which are way cheaper than in America and more tender, and Scarlett makes us a cake and we play Scrabble...which I find a very good way to spend my 21st birthday...which (side note here) I didn't really think anything of me going to Ireland for my 21st until Skip said something about it looking really "good" turning 21 in Ireland...but I totally wasn't even thinking about drinking or anything and when he said that I realized how bad that looked...anyway back to Ireland we were invited earlier that day to go to a pub with the McDonald's daughter and her fiance but we declined since they said something about not getting back until 3 the next morning and as we were planning on gong to church it wouldn't have been a good idea to be out that late...and since we weren't going to drink there really was no reason to go when the roads were iced over I mean sure we could have listened to some traditional music but it wasn't worth the risk of driving in that weather...anyway so we go to bed and wake up the next morning at around 11...too late to go to church but we had watched the weather the night before and it was supposed to have snowed more, but it didn't as of yet so we decided to venture out to a town only about 5 miles away named Birr, (the church was an hour away in Nenagh) since we figured it wouldn't be too far...and we got to see a castle in Tullamore, another 5 to 10 miles away...and that was fun...but we didn't really do anything else the rest of the day...but on Monday we went to Birr and Tullamore again to do some shopping but didn't really find anything...then on Tuesday we decided to go to Athalone since Marian (Mrs. Mcdonald) told us that there was better shopping there, but the road was we decided to just drive around and we headed towards Kinitty which is where the mountain part is and we were almost there and it started to rain, which meant that at the mountains it would be snow and ice, not easy to drive we headed back and wasn't really sure what to do but this time the road to Athalone was open so we went ahead and headed there and again we didn't find much, although we did find a goodwill type of store...but on the way there I had spotted some little stores that we ended up stopping in and found all kinds of stuff...and then we went back to the cottage...the Ashtree cottage, and we packed up and payed Marian the rest of the money since we were going to be leaving early for the airport....anyway so that is pretty much all that went down...we are going to go back again one day but this time in the summer so there is no chance of a freak snowstorm...and I didn't find Mr. Right but I did see jk but there was this red headed guy whose facial features were perfect...according to my standards which are pretty harsh...and yeah but maybe one day...