Friday, April 30, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-65

Grace In The Small Things-65

1. Last day of class.

2. Stress of finals coming up.

3. Fruit.

4. Stormy weather.

5. Family.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-64

Grace In The Small Things-64

1. Hairspray.

2. Bobby Pins.

3. Easy Finals.

4. Short Days.

5. Naps.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Only 3 pages...

That's all I have left to write for my final paper of this semester. It is due Friday at noon and yet I can't seem to find one more source to write those three pages with. Sigh. I will get it done, I pray that it turns out to show how much effort I've put into it. I've never worked on a paper this hard, but I had a topic that interested me and now I am stuck, but I will overcome this and find one more source, I wonder if a blog counts as a source, because I found a blog that had a lot of information on it...hmm...

Grace In The Small Things-63

Grace In The Small Things-63

1. Music.

2. Heated Seats (perfect for chilly mornings on the way to school).

3. VHS.

4. Bottled Water.

5. Rest amid the chaos of finals.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-62

Grace In The Small Things-62

1. Tacky Glue.

2. KFC.

3. Impulsive Shopping.

4. Redbox.

5. Study Guides.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-61

Grace In The Small Things-61

1. A Clean Bedroom.

2. Public Speaking (while I hate doing it, I know it helps me to be more confident).

3.Nivea body lotion (it smells oh so good and leaves my skin feeling like silk).

4. Sharpies...*sigh*...I (<3 their smell!).

5. Finding something and using it for a different purpose (I found these bamboo mats at big lots, and instead of using them as mats...I'm using them as curtains for my room...yay for privacy!).

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today I learned about compassion. I have little. I need more. That's what I learned.
I opened my computer to write in my book more, but somehow I ended up here. My heart must want to talk, about what...I'm not sure...I'll let my fingers lead me. I'm a little sad that I didn't sign up to go to Nicaragua with my college group. I wanted to go, but I know it's not what God wants for me, but my flesh is finding it hard to give it up. I mean I'm's a mission trip, how can God not want me to go?...I know, I know...St.Louis. It's where I'm meant to go. Honestly, I can't wait to go...I feel like something different is really going to happen...something good. I am looking forward to going and I can hardly wait to begin doing fundraisers...I just am having a hard time with...I don't want to say settling...but I mean i feel like I am settling for St.Louis when I could go to Nicaragua...and I could...signing up is over, but today they announced that two places had opened up and I wanted to jump up and shout "ME! ME! I WANT TO GO!" but that's just it...I want to go...God doesn't want me's me...I know that St.Louis is in no way less of a mission than Nicaragua...sigh...I guess if I'm going to be honest with myself...I wanted to go because it's a foreign mission and it just seems like I'm less of a Christian if I forgo foreign and stay home...maybe another year it will be what God wants...maybe I'm not meant to go on a foreign field...I'd be scared...I know that much...but fear makes me rely on God more...sigh...stop making excuses Amber...get over it and accept what He wants...

Grace In The Small Things-60

Grace In The Small Things-60

1. Date night with sister(s).

2. Moisturizer.

3. Frizz.

4. Those days when you just don't feel yourself.

5. Safety Pins.

Just a few pics...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-59

Grace In The Small Things-59

1. Early Morning Thunderstorms.

2. Cool Spring Days.

3. Dancing.

4. Sound of dogs the distance.

5. Fresh Air.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-58

Grace In The Small Things-58

1. Rainstorms.

2. Blizzards (from DQ not nature).

3. Alpha Kenny Body (you know you laughed or at least smirked).

4. Glue guns.

5. Youtube.

Baskets are done...

In honor of both of them being done I shall post a before and after pic of each...






Thursday, April 22, 2010


Here is the finished picnic basket...I still have to finish the other one...

Summer Fever...

With only one more week of classes left followed by a week of finals then graduation, I am officialy sick with summer fever! I cannot wait to be done and out for 3 months. This summer promises to be awesome! First off, I get to spend the first week packing for the summer, week 2 I will be spending with my best friend Samantha, week 3 will be spent with my sister Jessica, week 4 will be spent with Samantha again ending by taking a trip to my home in Missouri and going to elephant rocks and camping out at my house. Then another best friend, Andy, is going to be living with my family this summer! I am excited, I won't be alone again this summer like always! I cannot wait and am ready to ditch the books, not that I actually use the books, but you get the drift.
Ah...sigh. Today was a good day. I woke up at 9:30 to get ready for my first class, I got all ready and was about to leave when I remembered that it was cancelled, so I got to spend some time just lazying around. I gave my presentation today, I sucked, but still made a decent grade. Then when I went to Wal-Mart to get material for my baskets, I will post finished pics later, and I waited for about 15 or 20 minutes for someone to finally show up and cut the fabric. So I got home around 3ish, then I ate finally. Then I went outside and raked for an hour, we have these lovely gumball trees, need I say more? I am now the owner of two awesome blisters, one on eah hand. I have one on my left pinky and the other is on my right thumb. But it's all good, I will finish raking tomorrow I guess because I quit today, I didn't want to do it anymore.

Grace In The Small Things-57

Grace In The Small Things-57

1. Waking up for a class you forgot was cancelled.

2. Remembering said class was cancelled before leaving.

3. Free music from favorite artists.

4. Bubble gum.

5. Late night snacks.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A tisket, a tasket, I bought a "new" basket...


This one I'm just doing batting and material on...

The top...

The inside that still needs batting and material...

Tada! I still have to paint the underside of the hadles, but it's pretty much done!

Grace In The Small Things-56

Grace In The Small Things-56

1. Honesty.

2. Getting a phone call from my favorite boy (Colby, of course).

3. Friends you can tell anything to.

4. Tylenol.

5. Puppies.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-55

Grace In The Small Things-55

1. Sighing.

2. Poetry.

3. Back aches.

4. Friends who are like family.

5. Colored paper.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just call me...

INSOMNIATIC. Again I can't sleep, I even made myself stay awake today so I could sleep tonight, but alas, here I am wide awake. I went to bed an hour ago and fell asleep then some little noise was made jolting me awake, it's like I had a power nap and am now ready to face the world. Someone please lend me some drugs! I wouldn't mind so much except tomorrow is badmitton AND I have to give a presentation in my second class...ugh...please go away insomnia. It's okay though...only 18 days until graduation(well 19 right now but 18 by the time it will be read tomorrow) only 18 more nights until I can sleep any time of the day I want for 3 months...sweet, sweet bliss!
I'm alone again tonight. Scarlett is working and Skip went to Kassie's, I don't know if he is going to show up tonight or not. He got a puppy today and said that it almost drowned itself, so he might stay at Kassie's just to make sure it is alright it's first night. It really doesn't bother me anymore to be alone at night like it used to, I guess because I did it for two weeks, I just don't like not knowing if he is coming home at night or not.
I think I will write in my poets notebook, maybe inspiration will hit me...I did write two poems today, not sure if I like them yet or not...they may be forgotten...but this is a sign that my writer's block is coming to an least in the poetry end of it.

Grace In The Small Things-54

Grace In The Small Things-54

1. Chilly Mornings.

2. Getting ready in 5 minutes.

3. Nightmares that turn into a good dream.

4. U.S. Postal Service.

5. Hoodies.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-53

Grace In The Small Things-53

1. Hot showers.

2. Tangles.

3. John Freida Frizz-ease.

4. Actually doing school work.

5. Solitaire (it has helped me through many sleepless nights).

I can't sleep so Blog I shall...

Oh how I hate not being able to sleep. I know that if I awoke earlier in the day then I would most likely not have this problem. I shall start anew tomorrow with this theory and arise at 7:45 to take a shower and get ready for church. I can't wait for church because I was in toddlers last week and I'm ready to hear the Word of God. I am ready for school to be over and I am afraid that I may be failing one class...and I'm not the only one. Everyone in the class is failing and I am hoping that the professor will assign a huge curve to us all. On a brighter note, I have an A in 2 of my classes that I am aware of...and I might have one in photography but I'm not really sure on that one. Our final for photography is two Tuesdays away and we will be having gallery night...where we put out some of our best pics and people come by and look at them during the time we would normally have class, and we were informed that they administration wants us to keep them up until after graduation, so I guess that is sort of neat. We have to write a short paragraph about ourself to go along with the photo's but I don't know what to put. I thought about just puting I am a procrastinator, but I'm sure that will get me a B and I want an A. I signed up for classes for next semester and I will be taking 18 ungodly hours. Pray for me because I am going to need it. I am also hoping that I find a car this summer and maybe a job, not really sure if I want a job yet or not, but I will probably need one. I hate the thought of that. I sincerely think I was born in the wrong era...I should have been a princess...just saying.
So my Bible study lately has been amazing, God has really spoken to me through them, not about anything in particular, but about a lot of things. Mostly Himself. He has just been revealing Himself to me in so many different ways and I am loving it! Nothing excites me more than getting to know God deeper everyday. I pray that it continues as such.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-52

Grace In The Small Things-52

1. Late nights.

2. Waking up early...then going back to sleep.

3. Cloudy days.

4. Laziness.

5. Colbie Caillat.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-51

Grace In The Small Things-51

1. Waking up to an empty house.

2. Sleeping until noon.

3. Procrastinating.

4. Milk (so I guess in essence...cows).

5. Febreze (it smells good).

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Where to begin? Life. Life is so confusing yet it is so wonderful. I hate it yet I love it. I cast it away yet I hold it close. I wish I knew what it will bring yet I want to take joy in the surprise. I want to cry yet I want to laugh. I want to scream yet I want to be silent. I want to be passionate yet I want to be serene. So what brought this on? I don't even know. I've just been thinking about life lately. Where is it going to take me? What am I going to do with it? All of these thoughts and yet I have peace. God has been revealing Himself to me more and more in my everyday study of His Word. I have been relishing in His glory and power! His compassion and mercy! It is so astounding all of the different qualities that He holds and how He chooses to portray them and who He chooses to use for His benefit. It is not for us but for Him. We are nothing and He is everything. He is ALL. It amazes me daily that He cares for me and what have I done? Nothing. I fail His glory everyday, every minute with every breath that I take. I am failing, yet He shows His mercy and forgives me constantly over and over and over. I am useless, yet He uses me. I am nothing but He lives in me making me become ALL. Take Him away and I am nothing. A worthless piece of flesh. Human.

Grace In The Small Things-50

Grace In The Small Things-50

1. Daily revealings from God.

2. Concerned family members.

3. Peace.

4. Neon Colors.

5. Chipped nail polish.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-49

Grace In The Small Things-49

1. Spice Girls ringtone.

2. Music.

3. Ponytail Holders.

4. Being Alone.

5. Flip-Flops.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-48

Grace In The Small Things-48

1. Lunch with friends.

2. MP3 Players.

3. Skype.

4. Water Bottles.

5. Chapstick.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-47

Grace In The Small Things-47

1. Silence.

2. Printers.

3. USB drives.

4. Alarms.

5. Getting ready (shower included) in 30 minutes.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Perfect Day...

What a BEAUTIFUL day we had yesterday! I am hoping today will be the same if not better! The sky was a light blue and not a cloud in sight...miraculous! God is so good to us by giving us eye pleasers! Today is going to be a good's Sunday! I will update more later but I have to leave for church soon...
I'm back from church and then some. I laid out today and got a tiny tiny it's barely noticeable...but it's there. Anyway...Friday was an amazing day...long but amazing and totally worth getting up early for. Here's how it went:
I spent the night at my sister's so I would already be in Conway when I had to leave at 6 a.m. to save myself 30 minutes. I woke up at 3:46a.m. not really sure why but I just woke up, and then I tried going back to sleep but Savannah's neighbors have a really loud truck with extremely bright lights and apparantly leave for work at 4. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up and started getting ready, it was only 45 minutes before I was planning on getting up anyway. So I get ready and have extra time to do my Bible study, which was amazing and really spoke to me. Then Hannah and Thomas arrive and we head out for Rogers/Garfield. We get there around 9 give or take a little, Travis comes and gets me and we hang out all day. He showed me around the basement he's been cleaning out and thinking about moving's pretty neat and set up like a house already, only thing is it doesn't have a kitchen or shower. Then we went through pictures at his grandpa's house, we were trying to find before pics of the basement, but couldn't find any, but it was a lot of fun looking at pics from when he was little and when Sammie was little. So we go to his house and he shows me around...we were both hungry but there wasn't anything to eat so he made mashed potatoes...then we watched Overboard, funny movie...then we went ahead and went to Sammie's house (this is about 3 now). Josh and Caleb were doing stuff outside so he was going to let me take a nap and went outside with them...but they(Josh and Caleb) ended up coming back in and playing video games and were really loud so Travis and I just watched youtube videos...then Josh went home so Caleb was engrossed in his then we found the water guns and filled them up and decided to get on the roof and sabotage Sam when she got home. We waited over an hour up there...I fell asleep and he woke me up cause he didn't want me to fall off of the roof...anyway Sam finally got home and we had fun squirting her down along with her parents...then we went to a restaurant to eat then to the cemetery then back to Sam's and sat before I had to come back to Conway...yeah so I didn't get home until sometime after 1:30 the next morning...but it was totally worth was pretty much a perfect day.

Grace In The Small Things-46

Grace In The Small Things-46

1. Extra Time.

2. Late Night texts that wake you up.

3. Boots.

4. Wearing fall styles in the spring because I can.

5. Singing.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-44&45

Grace In The Small Things-44

1. Bench seats.

2. Wind.

3. Water guns.

4. Roof tops.

5. Cemeteries.

Grace In The Small Things-45

1. Tripods.

2. Snail Mail.

3. Cute Boxes.

4. Old Pictures.

5. DVR.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-43

Grace In The Small Things-43

1. Sunshine accompanied by a cool breeze.

2. Smell of fresh cut grass.

3. Sound of laundry being done.

4. Bobby Pins.

5. Double Sided Tape.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-40,41&42

Grace In The Small Things-40

1. Facebook Chat.

2. Lucky Charms.

3. Walmart.

4. Rain.

5. Umbrella's.

Grace In The Small Things-41

1. Tylenol.

2. Laptops.

3. Cellular Phones.

4. Milk.

5. Camera's.

Grace In The Small Things-42

1. Small school atmosphere.

2. Professors who are friends.

3. Extension Cords.

4. Prayer.

5. Sleep...:).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-39

Grace In The Small Things-39

1. Long Car Rides home.

2. Conversations that bring me closer to my sister(s).

3. Friends who are always there.

4. Laughter.

5. Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection (I know this is in NO WAY a small thing...but I am grateful for it and I don't think about it that in essence it is "small" in my thoughts).

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-38

Grace In The Small Things-38

1. Goodwill.

2. Windows down on the road.

3. Fingernail Polish.

4. Shopping (even though I'm not a huge fan of it.)

5. Family time.

Friday, April 2, 2010


So not much has really happened since my last update. I still hate school...only 4 more weeks left!!! I graduate on May 8th with my Associates and then next year I will hopefully be done and have my Bachelors...we will see. So Spring Break was freaking AWESOME this year! I spent the entire week in Garfield, AR with my great best friend Samantha(Sam). her brother decided to go to this underage drinking party...we found out and went to get him and then we called the was first party to ever bust! So we didn't get to bed until 4 the next morning. Umm...what else? I kinda sorta have a boyfriend...his name is Travis...he is Sam's cousin so that is a little weird...we are just waiting on him to meet my dad so he can ask my dad's permission before it is all official...I'm pretty sure my dad will say yes...he wants me to be happy. So that is exciting! I am planning on staying with Sam for two weeks in that should be fun! And it is so I can see her and Travis both...not just Travis...I'm not that kind of friend...I plan on looking at car lots tomorrow for a cheap dependable car...praying that I can find one because I really need a car...carigslist is just dissappointing me lately...I email with no to the car lot I am going to go and a loan I shall get...

Grace In The Small Things-37

Grace In The Small Things-37

1. Sandals.

2. Ringtones.

3. Sleep deprivation.

4. Apple Juice.

5. Smell of rain.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Grace In The Small Things-35&36

Grace In The Small Things-35

1. Sleep.


3. Silky shorts.

4. Oversized Sweatshirts.

5. Tape.

Grace In The Small Things-36

1. Sunny, Warm Weather

2. The tiny flowers that grow in the grass.

3. Freedom.

4. Photoshop.

5. Rootbeer.